
<< Back to Album "Star" from Life Journey
by Dave Bainbridge & David Fitzgerald Released in 2009 Track: 9 / Time: 4:42
When I looked at Mary's illustration with what looks like a hand flinging a star into space I was reminded of a piece from Iona's 'Book of Kells' album called 'Trinity Godhead' which we'd recorded back in 1992, in which we'd tried to portray a similar scene. So I dug out my old Korg M1R synth module which is what I'd used for some of the really evocative, floating sounds on that track. This track deliberately starts in a similar way and seeks to portray some of the mystery of a God who can create stars and yet who chooses to encircle us with His love, protection and presence if we choose to ask Him to.
The repeated 4 note melody continually encircles the listener throughout the piece. (NB If we do a surround sound mix of this piece I'd have this melody slowly moving around the speakers in a circle!).
The fast ascending cathedral organ scales that build into the majestic middle section were inspired by a recording that David had of some music by an amazing composer called Duruffle.
I hope the end section after all the majesty also reflects Mary's observation about the illustration, that 'The hand seems to reach out in a loving, gentle gesture to caress the face of the creator, symbolised by the star.' I could have had this end section just repeating and repeating, growing larger and more enveloping for ever as we gradually become engulfed by His awesome and overpowering Presence! Maybe on the 'Eternal, Heaven remix version'!